Jamie & Roger


Jamie and Roger got married on August 18th at the Heartland Ranch in Graham. Despite the summer wildfire haze, Mt. Rainier made a beautiful backdrop for their ceremony. We were even granted a reprieve from the heat with a constant, cool breeze all day long. Their venue was decorated with many handmade pieces, and bright, summery florals. This blended family was all love and laughter, as evidenced by the unbridled joy displayed after their said their vows. They literally danced their way back down the aisle.

If it wasn't made obvious by the smiles and kind words, the support of friends and family was shown in how many got to work to contribute to their wedding day. The dinner and dessert were both provided by family and friends. The pasta salad was so good it had me wanting seconds. They even received a mosaic and glass art sign from a neighbor which hung over the bar all evening. One of the highlights of the night was the cake cutting. Sometimes you just know when the bride is scheming to smear a little frosting. Roger got his revenge though!

Venue: The Heartland Ranch - Graham, WA

Hair: Marina Logan