The Ard Family


How adorable are these?! Snow in the valley is pretty rare, but in the winter of 2017 we certainly got some. Originally we had plans for family photos in the Tacoma-area, but the weather had other plans for us. While we were chatting about our options, Laura asked if we could just do them on their property. Surely that would be simpler than bundling up the kids and driving in the slippery snow elsewhere. I got myself out to their piece of paradise and it really worked out well for us. Fields and evergreens just coated in snow, and it was still falling!

We had a lot of fun having impromptu snowball fights. It was a lot of quick work to keep the baby out of the cold as much as possible, so the boys and I busied ourselves building a snowman while we made sure baby Briella stayed warm. I really love when family photos turn into something more than your standard posed shots. There's something special about families playing and having a great time together.

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